Why is cottagecore so blindingly white?

When I started this blog more than a decade ago, cottagecore didn’t have a name. But it was this aesthetic that kindled my love for fashion and led me to try and create a bit more representation for people who look like me. That was 2010. Now in 2022, cottagecore is fairly mainstream and has been so for a while now – yet the bodies that it centres remain as thin and white as ever.

Flower season in the Teasdale dress

I’m hoping for more magical, sun drenched days so I can break out all the floaty, dreamy sundresses this summer, even if it’s just for a socially distanced walk around the block. In times like these, it’s the little things that breathe meaning into our days.

Dappled Things

Last week, I went out of the house more than I have in a month. And it’s actually been really good for my mental health but hard on my back.