Wearing ✶ Joules intarsia knit jumper {Similar at Modcloth, Similar at Torrid} ✶ New Look velvet skirt, sold out {Similar at Madewell, Similar at Macy’s} ✶ Tabio tights from several seasons ago ✶ Wooden collar pins by The Twenty Fingers ✶ Boohoo suedette crossbody bag and tassel ankle boots ✶ Heart balloons with tassels {Similar at Modcloth}
My Valentine is far away from me this year, which is what happens when we spend Christmas together. But for some reason I’m feeling extra sappy (read: needy) this February, so I put some of that into styling the twee-est Valentine’s outfit I possibly could. PS: In an attempt to find the ultimate red lip, I layered the Sephora cream lip stain in Always Red over MAC Ruby Woo and I think this is almost perfect, don’t you?