I wore tights in the middle of a tropical summer. It’s India, though, so I don’t believe I need to elaborate. Not that they helped me escape the stares one bit. There are days when I can just brush it off and days when the unwanted public attention makes me want to do a Hannibal. Let’s just say that today, I really felt the need for a meat cleaver to swing while posing for these photos.
Dress – Darling// Headband – Giant Dwarf// Socks – Sockdreams (NOT recommended for larger calves) // Loafers – Bass// Tights – Levante (NEVER BUY)
And oh yes, one last thing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who emailed me about my last post concerning depression. I will reply properly to each and every one of you, I promise! I am just terrible at replying to emails on time, so please forgive me for being late, but thank you, all of you. It means SO much to me. <3