Lingerie and I have a tenuous relationship. I formally gave up wearing bras three years ago, mostly for issues related to comfort. Since then, my boobs have been held up by a series of pull-on bralets, as plain and practical as can be. While I love the idea of feeling pretty in dainty underthings, I can never actually bring myself to buy any and inevitably end up going for the no nonsense, functional solution. It’s something I’ve been doing for most of my adult life and I’m not sure why. On the rare occasions that I do wear pretty lingerie, I feel glorious and beautiful as the day. Then I take it off, put it away for a wash, and go back to my sensible underwear drawer for the next six months.
Lingerie, for me, is a bit of a dilemma and a bit of a treat. Because I can’t incorporate underwires in my everyday routine, I’m mostly cut off from the world of pretty bras that other people my size take as a given. Which I’m super okay with actually, because I like keeping little things like these as a treat.

I have to thank Elomi for sending me this set, as it’s not something I’d have thought of buying on my own. Being rather set in my ways, I associate boudoir wear quite strongly with Valentine’s day and anniversaries, special undies for special occasions. And despite being an underwire eschewer, I must admit that this babydoll is a lot easier to wear than traditional bras I’ve tried on in the past. It’s also my first time wearing anything in a 36F, which might just be my actual size…who knew! I always think that my boobs are on the smaller side until I put on a push up bra, and then it’s like HOLY BAZONGAS where did you come from?
So, while I don’t think I’m going back to underwired bras yet, it’s been a pleasant surprise realising that there are brands out there like Elomi and styles like their Anushka range that do fit my rather awkwardly shaped breasts.
I’m wearing the Anushka Babydoll in 36F and matching briefs in XL both of which are available on Elomi’s website.