Wearing ✶ASOS Turtleneck Top {Now sold out but similar here} ✶ Junarose Skirt {Similar here} ✶ Etsy Stag Pin ✶ Boohoo Suedette Circle Bag ✶ ASOS Velvet Heels
It doesn’t feel great going back to regular programming, even from all the way over in India. This week’s has left us all shaken. I can’t imagine what my American followers are going through right now. It’s terrifying knowing that we’ve entered yet another era of global fascism, and many of us won’t survive through it. Trust me to bring up fascism in a silly little post about fashion. But I didn’t think it’d be right to go about my usual keep-it-fun-and-lighthearted tone without at least letting you know that I stand in solidarity with you. I, too, am terrified about the future, about all our futures. I’d queued the rest of this post on Monday, and I’ve left it as it was. Thank you for reading.

I left this babycord turtleneck top languishing in my wardrobe for close to six months, mostly I was waiting for the weather to cool down enough for corduroy! I have a serious thing for plush winter weight fabrics like corduroy and velvet. Especially in a jewel tone, which can be dressed up or down – like I have here. A super cute way to way to style a turtleneck top is to pair it with an A-line skirt, retro block heels, and a circle bag. It’s a very mod inspired look – and those have been a fashion staple of mine ever since I learned to fashion. I also resemble a member of the Starfleet on the top half, and I’m 100% down with that.
One thing I love about sixties looks is the makeup – massive winged liner and vermillion lips. Which is also the reason I end up wearing winged liner most of the time! My fiance (that’s still such an awkward term to use!) had got me a big bag of goodies from Sephora last year, including their Cream Lip Stain in Mandarin Muse, but that turned out to be way too orange, like incredibly super orange on me. I recently discovered that if I use a tiny bit of that as a stain, though and finish off with the Josie Maran Argan Lip and Cheek Creamy Oil, I get a really pretty vermillion tint that’s more suited to a daytime look.